
Info Docter games

Welcome to my website, Docter Games. My name is Joey Docter, and I am from the Netherlands. This is my portfolio website where I showcase the projects I have created or helped with. Here, I write about my concepts and how I have realized these projects. I am a gameplay developer with a background in web development. I created this website myself using HTML/CSS, PHP, and JavaScript.

2D game project

Here you will find all my 2D projects. For these projects, I mainly program in GML and C#. Java is a programming language that I would also like to apply in 2D projects, but I need to delve deeper into it. I find pixel art interesting to use for 2D games, and I enjoy developing stories. For more information about these projects, click here.

3D game project

Here you will find all my 3D projects. For these projects, I mainly program in C# and C++. In 3D games, I primarily focus on gameplay and experiment with different types of machines. For more information about these projects, click here.


Here you will find all my projects that are currently in development with the latest updates. For more information about these projects, click here.